Monday 23 March 2009




--Male voice

--Well...I'm Josh Gamble and Welcome to my podcast on ownership and distribution for level 3 media nationals, i will be describing the process of which people go about getting ownership for a film and how they are distributed throughout the country the the words of Jeremy clarkson.


--If we didn't have distributors then cinema's around the country and the globe would a word...empty. In a tricky modern day market a distributors job is to try and reach a wide audience and make sure that the film gets out there, it may begin right from the start when the initial idea is drawn up for the film and is sent to the exhibitors, these being cinemas or festivals etc etc...Here are a few ways in which a group of distributors could do such a thing...


--The main way would be to grab an ad space and create a 10 or 30 second advert to be shown on national television, this is the most common way of marketing an reaches a mass audience.
--A website will usually be created which will contain little teaser trailers and information about the film.
--A junket can be arranged where the cast and the press will meet at a big event to market the film, interviews and photos usually take place at these.
--If things are getting desperate then advertisements could be placed on beer mats or t-shirts, but before that, cardboard standees, posters and trailers are used as a kind of semi release scheme to create a feeling amongst fans and viewers.


--The distribution cycle...well...this begins when the master print is complete. When the distributors get hold of this, a big plan will be drawn up that will be used over the usually the next 12-24 months prior to and during the release of the film. The objective is to create a buzz amongst the audience, this way they will be more enticed to go and spend their cash on your movie...



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